Azure / azure-rest-api-specs

The source for REST API specifications for Microsoft Azure.

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[Sql] : The transparentdataencryption API version does not match sql database API version

sinbai opened this issue · comments

Currently, the sql database api version used in the latest Sql SDK v5.0 is 2021-02-01-preview, but the transparentdataencryption API version is 2014-04-01 in the SDK. Since a property of TransparentDataEncryptionProperties has been changed to state instead of status in stable v2014-04-01. It would cause terraform issue #16828.

Expected : Use the transparentdataencryption API version corresponding to the sql database API. (state property instead status property)

@sinbai Thank you for reaching out, we are looking into it.

Any update on this? Causing an issue for us as well

Hi - Is there any update on this? I am also facing this problem. I am creating database through copy and it fails withTDE error.