Azure / azure-rest-api-specs

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[Cost Management] [API Management] Azure Cost Management Package just throws first 1000 lines and not managing the paging from the cost management rest api

kthejoker opened this issue · comments

Package Name: azure-mgmt-costmanagement
Package Version: 3.0.0
Operating System: Windows
Python Version: 3.9.6
Describe the bug
When you call the Usage method in python:
that is related to this REST api endpoint here
the python api is not looping to get next page using the nextLink attribute in the response described here
so we get a 1000 rows maximum per execution and no way to manage the paging with this library

To Reproduce

from azure.mgmt.costmanagement import CostManagementClient
from azure.mgmt.costmanagement.models import QueryAggregation,QueryGrouping,QueryDataset,QueryDefinition,QueryTimePeriod,QueryFilter,QueryComparisonExpression
from azure.mgmt.resource import ResourceManagementClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from IPython.display import display, HTML
from typing import ContextManager

import json
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
import calendar
import numpy as np

thedate = dt.datetime.combine(, dt.time())
first = thedate.replace(day=1)
last = thedate.replace(day = calendar.monthrange(thedate.year, thedate.month)[1])

credential = DefaultAzureCredential()

scope = '/subscriptions/{}'.format(subscription_id)

client = ResourceManagementClient(credential, subscription_id)

cmgmtc = CostManagementClient(credential = credential)


query_template = (
type = "ActualCost"
, timeframe = "ThisMonth"
, dataset =
granularity = "Monthly"
, aggregation = {
"totalCost": QueryAggregation(name = "Cost", function = "Sum")
,"totalCostUSD": QueryAggregation(name = "CostUSD", function = "Sum")
, grouping = [
QueryGrouping(name = "ResourceGroupName", type = "Dimension")
,QueryGrouping(name = "ResourceId" , type = "Dimension")
,QueryGrouping(name = "ResourceType" , type = "Dimension")
, filter =
dimensions =
name = "ResourceGroupName"
, operator = "In"
, values = ["RESOURCE_GROUP"]

replaced_query = (

result = cmgmtc.query.usage( scope = scope, parameters = replaced_query)

data = pd.DataFrame(result.rows, columns = list(map(lambda col:, result.columns)))

data_sorted = data.sort_values(by='CostUSD' ,ascending = False)

data_filtered = data_sorted

pd.set_option('display.max_rows', data_filtered.shape[0]+1)


Expected behavior
As a python developer using this package I would expect the result to be an iterable so I can get all result pages not just the first one

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

I was told to cross post the issue here from Azure/azure-sdk-for-python#23175

@kthejoker Apologies for the late reply. Thanks for reaching out to us and sharing this feedback. I see that the Service team has already been involved.

They will look at this ask and provide an update on this thread

Hey all, just looking for an update ....


Any update on this issue?