Azure / api-management-developer-portal

Developer portal provided by the Azure API Management service.

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Managed portal favicon not loading

GiuseppeColosi opened this issue · comments

Bug description

Bug description
Similar to 2153, the favicon is no longer being loaded. It does not show up in the network tab of the developer tools at all. While I am getting some error messages (CORS error for two of six fonts) none seem to have to do with the favicon.

Reproduction steps

  1. Set up favicon

  2. Save and publish portal

  3. Open portal in incognito tab
    Favicon is missing

Expected behavior

Would expect the favicon to show up

Is your portal managed or self-hosted?


Release tag or commit SHA (if using self-hosted version)

API Management service name



  • Operating system: [iOS, last version]
  • Browser: [Google Chrome, last version]

Additional context

Hello @GiuseppeColosi , thank you for reaching out!
I am not able to reproduce the issue you described. I also opened your developer portal, and the fav icon appears. Could you please check if it is working now?

Hello @malincrist, thank you for the check you have done.
I'm sorry to inform you that the issue persists.
You can see in the image below that the favicon is not displayed.


If I select the icon in development mode, it appears but disappears after saving and publishing.


It seems that the old favicon.ico file is still being displayed, indicating that the new one has not been deployed.


many thanks,

@GiuseppeColosi , thanks for the additional information. Unfortunately, I'm still not able to reproduce the issue.
Do you see any errors in the network tab of your browser? and if yes, what errors?
Also, can you please attach the file that you upload?

For managed portal, please create a support request using azure help and support center