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Bug: `exclude_*` credentials in DefaultAzureCredential in azureml-mlflow

damoodamoo opened this issue · comments

Apologies if this is posted in the wrong place, I'm happy to re-post if you can point me in the right direction - it's regarding azureml-mlflow.

The azureml-mlflow plugin currently uses a blank DefaultAzureCredential() call to generate credentials to track ML Flow runs. The DefaultAzureCredential() actually accepts a number of exclude_* arguments to avoid trying to use certain types of credentials.

Not being able to pass those exclude_* arguments to the azureml-mlflow plugin means that in some situations (experienced whilst on a customer-granted Azure hosted VM) it will try to use the machine's managed identity even when we explicitly do not want to.

Are there any plans to make those options available to us using azureml-mlflow?