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Error with the Get-DanglingDnsRecords script when DNS contains wild character * against multiple azure subscriptions

NavidKhan8 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
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We are using Microsoft recommended PowerShell module for identifying dangling DNS in Azure platform and it was working fine for last one year but from last month it's failing with below error message

Powershell module link reference :

Upon investigation found a bug with the module which was unable to handle the DNS entry point name if it has wild character for example * as an entry

It was due to using -match instead of -contains, below is code snippet found an issue

if ($item.FQDN -match "") {
                $count = (($AzResourcesHash.GetEnumerator() | Where { $item.FQDN **-match**  $_.key }) | Measure-Object).Count

I can fix this either changing from -match to -contains or asking users to delete wild character in DNS name but we have around 100s of DNSs so wouldn't able to control user on creating DNS name so it will be ideal to handle such scenario in the script

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Install-Module -Name AzDanglingDomain -Scope CurrentUser
Import-Module -Name AzDanglingDomain -Force
Get-DanglingDnsRecords -FetchDnsRecordsFromAzureSubscription

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

If applicable, add screenshots/images to help explain your problem.

Environment- if applicable

  • What version of CLI was used [Az –version]
  • PowerShell 7

Desktop (please complete the following information if applicable):

  • Windows 11

Logs- if applicable

  • If logs are available, please provide relevant snippets
  • | … .GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $item.FQDN -match $_.key }) | Meas …
    | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    | Invalid pattern '' at offset 1. Quantifier '' following nothing

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.
Opened a case with MS for the same and they have directed to open a GitHub issue so that internal team can review.

Message that will be displayed on users' first issue

Hello Team,

We are also facing the same problem. Can you please up us on it


Hello Experts,

Greetings for the day

Could you please help us on it


@abhijeetgaiha / @tanviohri - Please take a look into this issue.