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Securing Virtual Hub with Basic SKU Azure Firewall

geckodesalpes opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When securing an existing virtual hub with Azure Firewall, it is possible to select the Basic SKU unit from the configurator, accepting basic policies, still in the same configurator. However, once created the firewall is showed and billed as a standard one.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
From the Azure portal

  1. Create a Basic tier Firewall policy form the Firewall manager (i.e. DenyAll)
  2. Create a Virtual Wan and an unsecured Virtual HUB
  3. In the Virtual HUB, under the Security menu, select Azure Firewall and Firewall Manager
  4. Jump to the second tab Azure Firewall
  5. Select Basic (preview) tier and select the policy created at step 1.
  6. Jump to the Review + Confirm step and validate that the Basic tier has well being selected
  7. Click Create and wait...
  8. Go on the freshly provisioned firewall resource and notice that it is of "Standard" tier

Expected behavior

  • In accordance with the billing documentation, it should not be possible to select "Basic" firewall tier to secure a Virtual HUB (Adapt Portal UI configurator mask + validation process).
  • If the configurator / validation process that is correct, a Basic firewall should be provisioned instead of a Standard one, and the pricing should appear as well in the pricing documentation


Environment- if applicable
Azure Portal UI "Version: (v11.48.0.1#9717ae6517.230204-0143) Signed"

Desktop (please complete the following information if applicable):

Logs- if applicable

Additional context


@geckodesalpes Thank you for the feedback. This issue is currently being reviewed by the Azure firewall team. An update will be provided once its available.


adding @gumoden for tracking