Azgaar / Fantasy-Map-Generator

Web application generating interactive and highly customizable maps

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Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator - Black Screen bug/problem

Busisness opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When I was creating a map on the Map Generator after I selected provinces the website started to freeze. Around 2-3 minutes later it unfroze, but as I tried to move off of the provinces tab in the editor it continued to freeze and unfreeze constantly. I decided to refresh the website and as it loaded up it was a black screen. Now I cannot create any new map and no map appears on the website even after another reset.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Make the points number 20k
  2. Use height map to erase current map
  3. Create landmass with height map
  4. Add states
  5. Click on provences
  6. Refersh site

Expected behavior
After the freezing of my map and wanting to keep my map I let it unfreeze. However, after I was constantly freezing I decided to refresh the site and start over, but it just went to a black screen. I tried to make a new map just to see that the seed, name, year, and heightmap were blank, with the seed and heightmap being uneditable. I tried to find a solution online but saw no solution, so I decided to file a bug report here.

.map file
I have tried to create a .map file and it does not appear on my destop.


AFMG black screen
Here is the problem I have a black screen. I cannot make a new map and add a seed or a height map.


  • Version: v 1.89.35
  • Browser: Google chrome
  • OS: Windows 11


Can you please check the error in the console (F12)?

After please clean up all the cache for the site, it will reset it to the initial state.

Ah that worked thank you