Azgaar / Fantasy-Map-Generator

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Markers export in .csv coordinates do not match Burgs coordinates

deMellor opened this issue · comments



Hello, i'm currently exporting my map data to QGIS, i've managed to import the cells and burgs correctly, but when i try to import the markers i noticed they are loaded extremely off the map.

I have a marker set in the same place of a burg in the browser map, however in the exported .csv files they show theses coordinates:

Burg (Latitude= 9.58, Longitude= -19.22)
Marker (X=223.5 Y=489.5)

Looks to me like the burg uses coordinates based on the world map and the marker coordinates based on absolute position on the screen? Not sure

Anyway to convert the marker coordinate to be able to use it properly in QGIS?

QGIS map, the dot's spread around are the markers, the map is the little mass to the bottom left



Not a lot of people use geojson export, so it's possible. Need to check the code


The code looks correct. Can you specify what data are you exporting (json or geoJSON) exactly? JSON exports map data, so x and y as absolute values, geoJSON export geographic coordinates.

I have added x and y data to the markets geoJSON as well, so it should be more clear now.


Sorry for the delay and for not giving more details in the initial answer. I'm retrieving the burgs and markers data as a .csv file as shown in the image below.


These files generate the following tables, note that one uses X and Y and the other Longitude and Latitude



What i've failed to realize is that i can download the markers data as a geoJson instead of a .csv file. I've just tested it and the geojson does the job i needed, i believe we can close this thread then?

Anyway thank you so much, really love your map maker


Thanks, I forgot about csv. I can add coordinates to markers and x/y to burgs, so it will be more consistent.

