Azgaar / Fantasy-Map-Generator

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Trying to regenrate Burgs results in every city being deleted.

TimMcRae opened this issue · comments


I have redrawn all the state borders even regenerated some of the rivers. I am trying to regenerate the burgs make them be more optimally located. However every time I do that it just deletes every city except the capitals which I have locked to keep them in the place that I want them.

Steps to reproduce
Click on tools
go to the section click to regenerate
click on the burgs icon.
watch as your finely crafted world goes to shit.

Expected behavior
I expected it to regenerate my burgs by A. removing the massive amount of cities and towns on my map, and placing them in a more optimal spot.

.map file
I have attached it here... somewhere.

Untitled 1
Untitled 2

This message has also started popping up. While I appreciate you making this open source... I am not smart enough to understand what this means... Or what you need to help me. I am sorry. I am using my laptop to use this program. I have used it since I first started using this program. Just recently it has started popping this new outdated file message on me. I am using a firefox browser like I have always done. and I am using a windows computer that is 2.5 years old... No idea what version of windows it is. 10 or 11 i think...

  • Version: ...
  • Browser: ...
  • OS: ...

watch as your finely crafted world goes to shit.

What does it mean? Burg regeneration removes all unlocked burgs and re-generate them using the same algorithm as on map creation. Number of burgs depend on the value set in Options and some other factors like biomes habitability. That's all.

outdated file
Click on ok and see what happens. If there is an error, I will need a .map file to check.

I included the map file in a zip file in my original post. However I have attached it to this response as well. It doesn't mater where I put the slider on for number of towns. If I move it all the way to auto or down to 5 every city disappears.


Burgs can only generate where there is a culture, and when I check your cultures, they're all set to 0 cells.

Opening the Cultures Editor (Tools, Cultures at the top) and clicking on the recalculate button and then regenerating burgs will fix it. The recalculate button icon looks like a double-arrow in a square shape. It's on the right-hand side at the bottom of the Cultures Editor.

I believe this should fix your problem.

The other small window that appears is just a warning to say your map was saved with an older version, and it will be updated to the newer version. When you save it, it will be the new version and you won't see that message again (if you load the new saved map) until the generator is upgraded again and it needs to update the map as well.

Boom! Fixed it. You are a technical master thank you very much!

Now... Whil I have you here and have you buttered up.... How do I create new cultures based on say ogre's... and Halflings... and Fairies...

Just trying to help.

You can click on the + button at the bottom of the Cultures Editor, then click by your Ogre label and change the name of the newly-added Culture to "Ogre" (or whatever you want). Same for the others.

You also need to regenerate your population (Tools, Click to regenerate, Population) and probably adjust the population points (Tools, Units at the top).

Sweet!! Thank you very much! hope you have a great Saturday! I saw that your about tab had a support Ukraine, totally agree!