Ayoub Aloui's repositories


A cabin booking SPA build using React, React Router Dom, React Query, styled components and Supabase. The user (hotel staff) can create, edit and delete cabins, guests and bookings, check guests in and out, generate PDF invoices, etc... (Login info left in initial form state along with a sample data uploader component for demo purposes).



A weather app built using React. The user can check the weather for specific cities or use geolocation to view the weather in their current city through a reverse geocoding API. The app gives current weather conditions and params, hourly forecast (24 hours) and a 14 day forecast



This is a customer side version of the Wild Oasis business app built with NextJs using the app router. The user can sign up or login with their google account using next-auth, make bookings, view or update their reservations. Both this and the business app share the same database, which makes for a nice "full-stack" experience (No pun intended).



This web app was built using vanilla Javascript. The user can log in and view their balance and transactions, send money to another user or request a loan. The user is logged out after 10 minutes. Demo accounts (user-pin): aa-1111, jd-2222, kw-3333.



This website is built with Vanilla Javascript and good old traditional CSS. Just like the name of the project implies, this is a marketing website for the bankist app (available in the list of my projects).



This web app is built using Vanilla Javascript following the MVC pattern. Users can look up food recipes and add them to their bookmarks, which are stored in local storage. They can also add their own recipes through a POST request to the API.



This app is built using an OOP approach. Users can pick a location on the map and input their workout details. Workouts are stored in local storage and fetched upon render.



This tour booking application is server-side rendered and relies on a RESTful API built using NodeJs, Express and Mongoose. The user can register, view available tours and book the tour of their choosing. The payment is handled through a Stripe integration. The user can also view their bookings and rate the tour.



This app is built with React and uses Supabase as a back-end to store user facts. It allows users to share facts and filter them by category. Users can also upvote or downvote a fact. Facts that get a lot of downvotes are marked as disputed.



This app is a SPA built with React, React Router Dom and React Leaflet for the map component. The user can use geolocation or pick a city on the map to add it to the list of cities/countries they visited along with the date of the visit and notes about what they liked about the trip. User entries are stored on Supabase.
