Aymkdn / v-snackbars

Display the `v-snackbar` (from Vuetify) with a stack display

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

feat-request: Add grouping option

neawbie opened this issue · comments

It would be great if you could group snackbars of the same type/message/etc, instead of having them show one by one.

Here is an example:


This was taken from: https://quasar.dev/quasar-plugins/notify#grouping

You could send a new prop group that is boolean, to make the snackbars stack(default: false).

Sorry but I won't implement it.

You could update the message by checking if a message is already available, and then increase the number. A very basic example: https://codesandbox.io/s/v-snackbars-with-increase-badge-s8uzn?file=/src/App.vue

You could make it prettier by using some badges in place of the "close" button, or whatever will look better.

Thanks to your example and with slight modification to the code, I was able to implement it with badges.


I will leave the modified code below for others to see.

    <v-main class="text-center">
      <v-btn dark color="red" class="mt-6" @click="showMessage('red')">Click Me</v-btn>
      <v-btn dark color="blue" class="mt-6" @click="showMessage('blue')">Click Me</v-btn>

      <v-snackbars :objects.sync="objects" bottom left></v-snackbars>

import VSnackbars from "v-snackbars";

export default {
  name: "App",
  components: {
    "v-snackbars": VSnackbars,
  data: () => ({
    objects: [],
  methods: {
    showMessage(toast) {
      const payload = {
        id: toast,
        timeout: 5000,
        color: toast,
      let idx = this.objects.findIndex((obj) => obj.id === payload.id);
      if (idx > -1) {
        payload.count = this.objects[idx].count + 1;
        payload.message = `This snackbar has ${payload.count} message${
          payload.count > 1 ? "s" : ""
        this.objects.splice(idx, 1, payload);
      } else {
        payload.count = 1;
        payload.message = "This snackbar has 1 message.";

To add the badge you just have to wrap <slot name="action" /> with badge component, found inside v-snackbars.

  :content="snackbar.count > 99 ? '99+' : snackbar.count"
  :offset-x="snackbar.count > 9 ? snackbar.count > 99 ? '20px' : '10px' : '5px'"
    :close="() => removeMessage(snackbar.key, true)"
    <v-btn text @click="removeMessage(snackbar.key, true)">close</v-btn>