Aymkdn / assistant-freebox-cloud

Assistant Freebox in the Cloud

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Android app SSL decription

XITRIX opened this issue · comments

Hi, thanks for your great work on ATVR2 protocol!

I'm trying to create remote controller for iOS and I want to dump and decrypt Google Home\TV app's praffic to understand what packets needs to be sent to use Ime service (keyboard input). And I'm stuck on decrypting part. I have rooted Android tablet and TV, and I tried lots of things to make it work (Frida, apk-mitm, PCAPdroid, mitmproxy, installing root CA into system, tcpdump, ssl unpining), and I always finish with unworking connection between App and TV, or just unable to decrypt the traffic I got. I have also tried to decompile app to find some stuff there, but it's completely obfuscated and I cannot understang nothing.

Could you please help me to find the correct way of how to decryps app's traffic?

Sorry, but all my tries to decrypt app traffic failed too.

I've been able to find the bits using some debug console.log from https://github.com/louis49/androidtv-remote and by debugging a remote app for Android.

I cannot help you more than that…

Good luck.

@Aymkdn @XITRIX
I have been able to do a successful SSL Handshake from Android to Android TV. Next thing is that I need to send message via SSL Socket. Can anyone help me in that. In NodeJS Version it is done through proto. How to do it in Android.

@XITRIX did you have any progress? I am also unable to decrypt the traffic.

I've been able to decrypt some traffic with Frida, but it was limited and hard to read, also I've had to find proper methods to override searching for them using decompilers