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XMonad™️. Widgets go brr.

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Rofi error and cant log out and some little issues

ShadeZE opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Ok so i just installed xmonad and stuff and i am pretty new to it. I built eww on my own from the website and everything is working fine. However if try to log out, restart or shutdown from dashboard, log out menu or sidebar and error pops,
validating the theme failed: variable border in window(border-colour:var{border})
failed to resolve

and then i am not able to press y or n and computer doesnt log out.

Some minor issues->
weather doesnt work even after adding api key and city key.
avatar pic doesnt work too even after adding full path.
sometimes the sidebar or the dashboard glitches and doesnt get closed.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to log out menu by win + shift + q
  2. Click on 'log out/restart/shut down'
  3. See error

Expected behavior
No error should have been popped and computer should be have logged out.

cannot take screenshot of the error.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Garuda Linux

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

This is due to your rofi version.

The fix is to do this:

  • Open the file ~/.config/rofi/powermenu/message.rasi in a text editor.

  • Remove the following lines:
    text-color: @border;
    border-color: @border;

That should fix it.

The sidebar glitching is an issue in elkowar/eww, I'm surprised it hasn't been fixed yet.

Try running the script ~/.config/eww/scripts/getweather manually and attach the logs so we can fix the weather widget.

What's the avatar pic path you're using?

This is due to your rofi version.

The fix is to do this:

  • Open the file ~/.config/rofi/powermenu/message.rasi in a text editor.
  • Remove the following lines:
    text-color: @border;
    border-color: @border;

That should fix it.

that didnt fix it and text-colour was not @border but @selected.

The sidebar glitching is an issue in elkowar/eww, I'm surprised it hasn't been fixed yet.

Ok so is there no way to fix that?

Try running the script ~/.config/eww/scripts/getweather manually and attach the logs so we can fix the weather widget.

the widget worked after running it, thanks.

What's the avatar pic path you're using?


oh yeah and i forgot to tell that quotes are not working too.
they are in my crontab but still dont work.
i tried to click screenshot of dashboard but its blurred for some reason.
And its background is not blurred like in your picture but it is totally black.

This is due to your rofi version.
The fix is to do this:

  • Open the file ~/.config/rofi/powermenu/message.rasi in a text editor.
  • Remove the following lines:
    text-color: @border;
    border-color: @border;

That should fix it.

that didnt fix it and text-colour was not @border but @selected.

yeah, thing is, those lines DO exist in the file, they just aren't in that order, nor are they grouped together. get some brains, will you?