Avokadoen / ecez

A WIP ecs API for Zig!

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hitting 5 test failures

Avokadoen opened this issue · comments

Not sure how/when this happend.
It is with the same code used previously passing on the same compiler version of zig.
The CI passes without these failures ....

$ zig build test
run test: error: 'test.systems produce expected 3x3 grid state' failed: expected true, found false
C:\Program Files\Zig\lib\std\testing.zig:84:17: 0x7ff68b4e1052 in expectEqual__anon_5673 (test.exe.obj)
                return error.TestExpectedEqual;
C:\repositories\ecez\examples\game-of-life\main.zig:386:13: 0x7ff68b4e1abb in test.systems produce expected 3x3 grid state (test.exe.obj)
            try std.testing.expectEqual(alive, health.alive[0]);
run test: error: while executing test 'test.systems produce expected 3x3 grid state', the following test command failed:
C:\repositories\ecez\zig-cache\o\ef7f3df19e246c5e4edc3481a9ddedc3\test.exe --listen=-
run test: error: 'test.events can be registered through struct or individual function(s)' failed: expected 2, found 1
C:\Program Files\Zig\lib\std\testing.zig:84:17: 0x7ff77bbe7e68 in expectEqual__anon_5786 (test.exe.obj)
                return error.TestExpectedEqual;
C:\Program Files\Zig\lib\std\testing.zig:125:17: 0x7ff77bbe7eca in expectEqual__anon_5780 (test.exe.obj)
                try expectEqual(@field(expected, field.name), @field(actual, field.name));
C:\repositories\ecez\src\scheduler.zig:566:5: 0x7ff77bc51af6 in test.events can be registered through struct or individual function(s) (test.exe.obj)
    try testing.expectEqual(
run test: error: 'test.event can have many shared state' failed: expected 6, found 1
C:\Program Files\Zig\lib\std\testing.zig:84:17: 0x7ff77bbe7e68 in expectEqual__anon_5786 (test.exe.obj)
                return error.TestExpectedEqual;
C:\Program Files\Zig\lib\std\testing.zig:125:17: 0x7ff77bbe7eca in expectEqual__anon_5780 (test.exe.obj)
                try expectEqual(@field(expected, field.name), @field(actual, field.name));
C:\repositories\ecez\src\scheduler.zig:772:5: 0x7ff77bc54786 in test.event can have many shared state (test.exe.obj)
    try testing.expectEqual(A{ .value = 6 }, try storage.getComponent(entity_a, A));
run test: error: 'test.DependOn makes a events race free' failed: ^
expected 108, found 7
C:\Program Files\Zig\lib\std\testing.zig:84:17: 0x7ff77bbe7e68 in expectEqual__anon_5786 (test.exe.obj)
                return error.TestExpectedEqual;
C:\Program Files\Zig\lib\std\testing.zig:125:17: 0x7ff77bbe7eca in expectEqual__anon_5780 (test.exe.obj)
                try expectEqual(@field(expected, field.name), @field(actual, field.name));
C:\repositories\ecez\src\scheduler.zig:1230:9: 0x7ff77bc5ab27 in test.DependOn makes a events race free (test.exe.obj)
        try testing.expectEqual(
run test: error: 'test.event DependOn events can have multiple dependencies' failed: expected 52, found 5
C:\Program Files\Zig\lib\std\testing.zig:84:17: 0x7ff77bbe7e68 in expectEqual__anon_5786 (test.exe.obj)
                return error.TestExpectedEqual;
C:\Program Files\Zig\lib\std\testing.zig:125:17: 0x7ff77bbe7eca in expectEqual__anon_5780 (test.exe.obj)
                try expectEqual(@field(expected, field.name), @field(actual, field.name));
C:\repositories\ecez\src\scheduler.zig:1284:9: 0x7ff77bc5b333 in test.event DependOn events can have multiple dependencies (test.exe.obj)
        try testing.expectEqual(
run test: error: 'test.isSystemType correctly identify DependOn types' failed: ^
expected true, found false
C:\Program Files\Zig\lib\std\testing.zig:84:17: 0x7ff77bbeb422 in expectEqual__anon_5820 (test.exe.obj)
                return error.TestExpectedEqual;
C:\repositories\ecez\src\meta.zig:1159:5: 0x7ff77bc5c829 in test.isSystemType correctly identify DependOn types (test.exe.obj)
    try testing.expectEqual(true, comptime isSystemType(.depend_on, DependOn(.{}, .{})));
run test: error: while executing test 'test.ComponentStorage generate suitable storage tuple', the following test command failed:
C:\repositories\ecez\zig-cache\o\99700bb913a55382a46001e549b8cc95\test.exe --listen=-
Build Summary: 3/6 steps succeeded; 2 failed; 90/96 tests passed; 6 failed (disable with --summary none)
test transitive failure
+- run test 90/95 passed, 5 failed
+- run test 0/1 passed, 1 failed
error: the following build command failed with exit code 1:
C:\repositories\ecez\zig-cache\o\ce428bfb83079d4e0de82d0db7e74f61\build.exe C:\Program Files\Zig\zig.exe C:\repositories\ecez C:\repositories\ecez\zig-cache C:\Users\avokado\AppData\Local\zig test

CI failing now