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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Scripts filename case sensitive

gpollo opened this issue · comments

Thanks for providing these well done scripts. I assume these have been tested on Windows (filesystem is case insensitive). That said, when running source make_minized_foundation.tcl on Linux, I got

couldn't read file "../Boards/minized/minized.tcl": no such file or directory

The actual folder is ../Boards/MINIZED/MINIZED.tcl. Renaming the path to ../Boards/minized/minized.tcl fixed it.

Thank you @TheNiceGuy for pointing this out! We will schedule for this to get fixed in the next release so that at least it gets fixed within HEAD.

it gets fixed within HEAD.

This issue is still actual, especially on Linux.

vivado -mode tcl -source make_pzsdr_p13c.tcl
Setting Up Project pzsdr_p13c...
***** Generating IP...
***** Creating Vivado Project...
couldn't read file "../Boards/PZSDR7035_FMCCC/pzsdr7035_fmccc.tcl": no such file or directory
while executing
"source ../Boards/$board/[string tolower $board].tcl -notrace"
(file "./ProjectScripts/pzsdr_p13c.tcl" line 108)