Automattic / juice

Juice inlines CSS stylesheets into your HTML source.

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Support for CSS Custom Variables

mjgchase opened this issue · comments

Would be nice to support and convert css custom variables

Since email clients have generally poor support for CSS variables, it would be nice if Juice would inline them using getComputedStyle.


I agree - passing on the variable doesn't work, so computing it and inlining the computed value would be stellar. I have tested variables and it didn't work as expected, with missing styles on the email client side.

Any ETA on implementing this? Very important as I use components and have colors, borders, etc defined once and used everywhere, including email templates.

@huksley would love to take a PR from you if you have time to do it!

Here's a solution for replacing the CSS variables after juice is done, using cheerio:

const variableDefRegex = /^(--[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)$/;
const variableUsageRegex = /var\((--[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)(?:\)|,\s*(.*)\))/;
 * Resolves any variable usages found in a style value to their definitions.
export function resolveCSSVariables(defs: Map<string, string>, styleValue = ''): string {
  let match;
  while (match = styleValue.match(variableUsageRegex)) {
    const [found, variableName, fallback] = match;
    const { index } = match;
    const before = styleValue.slice(0, index);
    const after = styleValue.slice(index! + found.length);
    const replacement = defs.has(variableName)  ? defs.get(variableName) : fallback;
    styleValue = `${before}${resolveCSSVariables(defs, replacement || '')}${after}`;
  return styleValue;

 * Walks the tree depth-first,
 * collecting variable definitions and then resolving any usages found.
export function replaceCSSVariables($: CheerioAPI, $el : Cheerio<any>, defs = new Map<string, string>()) {
  const styles = $el.css();
  if (styles) {
     * Collect the defs first.
    Object.entries(styles).forEach(([key, value]) => {
      if (variableDefRegex.test(key)) {
        defs.set(key, value);
     * Resolve any usages.
     * Done separately from above in case any defs and usages are found on the same element.
    Object.entries(styles).forEach(([key, value]) => {
      styles[key] = resolveCSSVariables(defs, value);
    (index, el) => replaceCSSVariables($, $(el), new Map<string, string>(defs)),

export default function inlineWithVariablesReplaced(html: string, css: string): string {
  const inlined = juice.inlineContent(html, css, { inlinePseudoElements: true });
  const $ = cheerio.load(inlined, null, false);
  const $root = $.root();
  replaceCSSVariables($, $root);
  return cheerio.html($root);

Here's a solution for replacing the CSS variables after juice is done, using cheerio:

const variableDefRegex = /^(--[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)$/;
const variableUsageRegex = /var\((--[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)(?:\)|,\s*(.*)\))/;
 * Resolves any variable usages found in a style value to their definitions.
export function resolveCSSVariables(defs: Map<string, string>, styleValue = ''): string {
  let match;
  while (match = styleValue.match(variableUsageRegex)) {
    const [found, variableName, fallback] = match;
    const { index } = match;
    const before = styleValue.slice(0, index);
    const after = styleValue.slice(index! + found.length);
    const replacement = defs.has(variableName)  ? defs.get(variableName) : fallback;
    styleValue = `${before}${resolveCSSVariables(defs, replacement || '')}${after}`;
  return styleValue;

 * Walks the tree depth-first,
 * collecting variable definitions and then resolving any usages found.
export function replaceCSSVariables($: CheerioAPI, $el : Cheerio<any>, defs = new Map<string, string>()) {
  const styles = $el.css();
  if (styles) {
     * Collect the defs first.
    Object.entries(styles).forEach(([key, value]) => {
      if (variableDefRegex.test(key)) {
        defs.set(key, value);
     * Resolve any usages.
     * Done separately from above in case any defs and usages are found on the same element.
    Object.entries(styles).forEach(([key, value]) => {
      styles[key] = resolveCSSVariables(defs, value);
    (index, el) => replaceCSSVariables($, $(el), new Map<string, string>(defs)),

export default function inlineWithVariablesReplaced(html: string, css: string): string {
  const inlined = juice.inlineContent(html, css, { inlinePseudoElements: true });
  const $ = cheerio.load(inlined, null, false);
  const $root = $.root();
  replaceCSSVariables($, $root);
  return cheerio.html($root);

This is great. Am I correct in understanding, though, that if the variable is defined in various classes that apply to an element, this will just use the most-recently-encountered variable definition that matches, rather than the definition from the highest-priority class?