Automattic / Iris

A(n awesome) Color Picker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Option to use as "overlay" over text instead inline

wallenium opened this issue · comments

It would be awsome to have an option to use it more or less as a tooltip-style colorpicker instead of adding it inline to the input field.

On focus/enter the overlay opens, on exit/out of focus it closes.

Really like the plugin. Neat and simple layout.

I didn't put this in because I didn't have a use case to add it other than "nice to have." A use-case (and better yet, a patch) would go some ways towards convincing me.

Here's a use-case I have where this would be useful.

I am currently positioning the color picker absolutely so it doesn't push content down and then closing if you click outside of it. Would be nice to have those options. Also, I am attaching to a div, not an input and am having to manually open it for some reason when the div gets clicked on.

That's a good use-case. At the same time, it's a non-trivial amount of code to start mucking about with positioning, which is why it's not in there currently. I'll put this in the "definite maybe" category.