Automattic / Iris

A(n awesome) Color Picker

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

wpColorPicker options and Iris options

afragen opened this issue · comments

I'm under the impression that all the options in Iris are not available to wpColorPicker.

In particular

var irisOnlyOptions = {
// the following option are available to iris not wpColorPicker
  color: false,
  mode: 'hsl',
  controls: {
    horiz: 's', // horizontal defaults to saturation
    vert: 'l', // vertical defaults to lightness
    strip: 'h' // right strip defaults to hue
  border: true, // draw a border around the collection of UI elements
  target: false, // a DOM element / jQuery selector that the element will be appended within. Only used when called on an input.
  width: 150,

Is there some way to include these in wpColorPicker or am I out of luck?


You can set palettes at runtime width your wpColorPicker call. All of the other options can be changed by calling Iris directly on the input element like $(input).iris('option', 'width', newValue).

There's an issue with setting other options directly. I tried $(input).iris('option', 'width', 150); and get the error can't find variable input. I try the following $('input').iris('option', 'width', 150); and I get the following error [Error] Error: cannot call methods on iris prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'option'

If I add $('input').iris(); in front of the previous command I get no errors and the option takes but I get the problem described in #22. Other options, like $('input').iris('option', 'mode', 'hsl'); seem to work, just not the width

input was a placeholder for either the DOM Element itself or a selector that targets the text input that wpColorPicker is using.

Thanks Matt. I understand.