AutomatedLab / AutomatedLab.Common

PowerShell module for daily administrative tasks and general helper functions

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bencoremans opened this issue · comments

I had an issue with duplicating a template. The solution was to set the parameter EnrollmentFlags to 0.

The suggested values of the parameter EnrollmentFlags are "IncludeSymmetricAlgorithms, CAManagerApproval, KraPublish, DsPublish, AutoenrollmentCheckDsCert, Autoenrollment, ReenrollExistingCert, RequireUserInter
action, RemoveInvalidFromStore, AllowEnrollOnBehalfOf, IncludeOcspRevNoCheck, ReuseKeyTokenFull, BasicConstraintsInEndEntityCerts, IgnoreEnrollOnReenro
llment, IssuancePoliciesFromRequest"
but does not include "None".

When the parameter is not set, the command fails.
So maybe for future releases, I suggest to set the EnrollmentFlags to 0 by default.

New-CATemplate -SourceTemplateName "EnrollmentAgentOffline" -TemplateName "BCOEnrollmentAgentOffline2" -DisplayName "BCO Exchange Enrollment Agent (Offline Request)2" -Version 2 -ApplicationPolicy ENROLLMENT_AGENT -PrivateKeyFlags None -EnrollmentFlags 0

I appreciate your module very much btw!

Thanks for having reported this to us!