Autodesk / maya-usd

A common USD (Universal Scene Description) plugin for Autodesk Maya

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Meshes import primvars incorrectly when using left handed orientation

dgovil opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When importing a mesh with a left handed orientation, Maya imports primvars incorrectly causing damaged assets. This is most noticeable with UV's where textures no longer line up correctly.

This is a screenshot of the asset prior to import using Hydra Storm


After exporting the asset from Maya, we get this.


Looking at the export file, the issue seems to be that Maya has converted the faces over to the correct orientation but has not done the same for primvars. So the texCoord2f primvars appear in the same order as before the conversion, however that means they don't actually correspond to the faces they're meant to.

Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Import leftHanded.usda from the attached file
  2. Export as USD
  3. View it in usdview
  4. See that the UVs no longer line up for the leftHanded_leaf mesh.

Expected behavior
I'd expect that the UV's and other primvars be reordered using the same algorithm that reorders the vertices.


Specs (if applicable):

  • OS & version: macOS 14.4
  • Compiler & version: clang 15
  • Maya version: 2024.1 (reproduces with 2024.2 as well)
  • Maya USD: 0.27
  • Pixar USD: 0.24.3