AutoViML / featurewiz

Use advanced feature engineering strategies and select best features from your data set with a single line of code. Created by Ram Seshadri. Collaborators welcome.

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Output exceeds the size limit. Open the full output data in a text editor

eromoe opened this issue · comments

Hello, I meet this error while testing featurewiz , I want to do some auto feature engineering , so choose the old way , but unfortunately got Output exceeds the size limit. Open the full output data in a text editor .


  • X shape : Shape = (128463, 1341) , mixed string, int , float and nan values.
  • code:
import featurewiz as FW
outputs = FW.featurewiz(dataname=X.reset_index(drop=True), target=y.reset_index(drop=True), corr_limit=0.70, verbose=2, sep=',', 
          header=0, test_data='',feature_engg='', category_encoders='',
          dask_xgboost_flag=False, nrows=None)
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
f:\Work\jupyter_pipeline\pj01\1.1.0 clean_data.ipynb Cell 126 in <cell line: 1>()
      1 if Config.add_feature:
      2     # # Add feature
      3     # from jinshu_model.build_models import HighDimensionFeatureAdder
      8     # ce = HighDimensionFeatureAdder(max_gmm_component=4, onehot=False)
      9     # X = ce.fit_transform(X)
     10     import featurewiz as FW
---> 11     outputs = FW.featurewiz(dataname=X.reset_index(drop=True), target=y.reset_index(drop=True), corr_limit=0.70, verbose=2, sep=',', 
     12             header=0, test_data='',feature_engg='', category_encoders='',
     13             dask_xgboost_flag=False, nrows=None)
     14 else:
     15     ce = CategoricalEncoder()

File c:\Users\ufo\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\featurewiz\, in featurewiz(dataname, target, corr_limit, verbose, sep, header, test_data, feature_engg, category_encoders, dask_xgboost_flag, nrows, **kwargs)
    791     print('Classifying features using a random sample of %s rows from dataset...' %nrows_limit)
    792     ##### you can use nrows_limit to select a small sample from data set ########################
--> 793     train_small = EDA_randomly_select_rows_from_dataframe(dataname, targets, nrows_limit, DS_LEN=dataname.shape[0])
    794     features_dict = classify_features(train_small, target)
    795 else:

File c:\Users\ufo\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\featurewiz\, in EDA_randomly_select_rows_from_dataframe(train_dataframe, targets, nrows_limit, DS_LEN)
   2975     test_size = 0.9
-> 5842     raise KeyError(f"None of [{key}] are in the [{axis_name}]")
   5844 not_found = list(ensure_index(key)[missing_mask.nonzero()[0]].unique())
   5845 raise KeyError(f"{not_found} not in index")

KeyError: "None of [Int64Index([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1,\n            ...\n            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],\n           dtype='int64', length=128463)] are in the [columns]"

Hi @eromoe 👍
There is something wrong with the input. I would suggest you avoid the y.reset_index(drop=True) statement. Instead, just send X and y as is. Featurewiz doesn't mind if you send dataframes with index in them. Can you try that and report back to me?


@AutoViML The index is string, so I droped, without drop got same error .
PS: The new style feature selection works well with same input .

hello @eromoe
I figured out the problem in the first statement. 👍

You must send in the entire train dataframe in the statement below and the target refers to the name of your target column in the train dataframe - instead you sent in X and y. That's the issue!

import featurewiz as FW
outputs = FW.featurewiz(dataname=X.reset_index(drop=True), target=y.reset_index(drop=True), corr_limit=0.70, verbose=2, sep=',', 
          header=0, test_data='',feature_engg='', category_encoders='',
          dask_xgboost_flag=False, nrows=None)

Also I noticed that this is a big dataframe. So you might want to set nrows to be 10000 or something small so that your dataframe is handled in pandas without blowing up.
Hope this finally solves it.

Oh , that's my mistake , thank you for point it out !

help me