E00003: Amount element is invalid
JonathanJamesRasmussen opened this issue · comments
Jonathan Rasmussen commented
Hi all, I'm getting a strange error when I try and pass through a payment using the lightbox/iframe hosted form:
Error Code: E00003
Error message: The 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd:amount' element is invalid - The value '' is invalid according to its datatype 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema:decimal' - The string '' is not a valid Decimal value.
I know that I'm passing a proper decimal into the API, as I see the dollar amount on the hosted form. Does anyone know what could be causing this?
Jonathan Rasmussen commented
I don't know how this ended up being resolved, but I'm no longer dealing with this issue. I suspect I was putting through to many payments at once using the same data in the fields.