AugustRush / Stellar

A fantastic Physical animation library for swift

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When I use OC, import the swift code, found that there is no easing and other methods

HellojingQiu opened this issue · comments

@interface CALayer (SWIFT_EXTENSION(Stellar))

@interface UIColor (SWIFT_EXTENSION(Stellar))

  • (void)fallTo:(UIColor * _Nonnull)to magnitude:(double)magnitude render:(void (^ _Nonnull)(UIColor * _Nonnull))render completion:(void (^ _Nullable)(void))completion;
  • (void)snapTo:(UIColor * _Nonnull)to damping:(CGFloat)damping render:(void (^ _Nonnull)(UIColor * _Nonnull))render completion:(void (^ _Nullable)(void))completion;
  • (void)attachmentTo:(UIColor * _Nonnull)to damping:(CGFloat)damping frequency:(CGFloat)frequency render:(void (^ _Nonnull)(UIColor * _Nonnull))render completion:(void (^ _Nullable)(void))completion;
  • (void)pushedTo:(UIColor * _Nonnull)to render:(void (^ _Nonnull)(UIColor * _Nonnull))render completion:(void (^ _Nullable)(void))completion;

@interface UIDynamicBehavior (SWIFT_EXTENSION(Stellar))

@Class UIView;

@interface UILabel (SWIFT_EXTENSION(Stellar))

  • (UIView * _Nonnull)makeTextColor:(UIColor * _Nonnull)color;

@interface UITextView (SWIFT_EXTENSION(Stellar))

  • (UIView * _Nonnull)makeTextColor:(UIColor * _Nonnull)color;

@interface UIView (SWIFT_EXTENSION(Stellar))

  • (BOOL)configureWithJSON:(NSString * _Nonnull)str error:(NSError * _Nullable * _Null_unspecified)error;

@interface UIView (SWIFT_EXTENSION(Stellar))

  • (UIView * _Nonnull)moveX:(CGFloat)increment;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)moveY:(CGFloat)increment;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)moveTo:(CGPoint)point;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)makeColor:(UIColor * _Nonnull)color;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)makeAlpha:(CGFloat)alpha;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)rotate:(CGFloat)z;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)rotateX:(CGFloat)x;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)rotateY:(CGFloat)y;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)rotateXY:(CGFloat)xy;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)makeWidth:(CGFloat)width;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)makeHeight:(CGFloat)height;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)makeSize:(CGSize)size;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)makeFrame:(CGRect)frame;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)makeBounds:(CGRect)bounds;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)scaleX:(CGFloat)x;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)scaleY:(CGFloat)y;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)scaleXY:(CGFloat)x :(CGFloat)y;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)cornerRadius:(CGFloat)radius;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)borderWidth:(CGFloat)width;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)shadowRadius:(CGFloat)radius;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)zPosition:(CGFloat)position;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)anchorPoint:(CGPoint)point;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)anchorPointZ:(CGFloat)z;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)shadowOffset:(CGSize)offset;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)shadowColor:(UIColor * _Nonnull)color;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)shadowOpacity:(float)opacity;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)makeTintColor:(UIColor * _Nonnull)color;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)completion:(void (^ _Nonnull)(void))c;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)then;
  • (UIView * _Nonnull)then;
  • (void)animate;
  • (void)cancelAllRemaining;

Maybe i should create bridge for objective-c. Currently,it's only support swift.

Thank you for your reply, and hope that the project is more and more perfect.