Atvaark / FoxTool

Fox Engine XML compiler/decompiler

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

character encoding

TinManTex opened this issue · comments

Running through foxtool and searching the resulting fox2.xml for

        <property name="partName" type="String" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">

The equivalent in provides

        <property name="partName" type="String" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">

vol parts

My current theory (on assumptions) is a tpp developer accidentally added a Japanese character, that KJPs fox2 compiler is likely to be inputting shift jis encoded files, but what we are seeing with FoxTool is due to it's use of default encoding?

The G appears to be a UTF-8 encoded fullwidth character. The developer probably pressed the wrong button on their keyboard.

Check if Release v0.2.5 fixes this issue and doesn't break anything else.

Seems good playing with other fox files run through the updated foxtool. Infinite Heaven is up to a couple of hundred modified or new fox files, but it would have only been a mix of a dozen or so loaded at the points I was testing.
Haven't tested with recompiled since it's just for once specific section of one mission that's annoying to get to. The only reason I noticed it was because I was string scraping and running through hashing function which understandably choked on the invalid characters.

Also noticed you updated your CityHash package but haven't committed to your repo?

Thanks again for your tools, my mod wouldn't have gotten as far without them.