AttuneOps / Create-Windows-ISO-with-autounattend-built-on-macOS-or-Linux

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WinPE Windows Worker Kickstarts "net use" Prompts for Username

h4xhor opened this issue · comments

The WinPE Windows Worker kickstarts "net use" step in startnet.cmd prompts for username when trying to mount the shared folder on Windows Worker.

In this example the WIndows Worker IP address is


Even though the net use on a Windows 10 machine worked fine.

C:\Users\kooi\Downloads>net use Z: \\\share
The command completed successfully.

C:\Users\kooi\Downloads>net use
New connections will not be remembered.

Status       Local     Remote                    Network

OK           Z:        \\\share       Microsoft Windows Network
The command completed successfully.


 Volume in drive Z is OS
 Volume Serial Number is EE81-2009

 Directory of Z:\

22/11/2023  12:12 pm    <DIR>          .
23/11/2023  07:13 am    <DIR>          ..
22/11/2023  11:53 am    <DIR>          windows10
22/11/2023  11:56 am    <DIR>          windows2016
22/11/2023  12:13 pm    <DIR>          windows2019
22/11/2023  12:14 pm    <DIR>          windows2022
               0 File(s)              0 bytes
               6 Dir(s)  103,386,484,736 bytes free