AtomLinter / linter-stylelint

A plugin for Atom Linter providing an interface to stylelint.

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Could not find "stylelint-config-standard". Do you need a `configBasedir`?

AlexWayfer opened this issue · comments

@yenly, @JourneyOver, @CxRes: The specific cause of this issue should be fixed, it sounds like you might be hitting a related trigger though. Please file a new issue with an example repository / ZIP archive that is showing the issue or at minimum outline your directory structure showing where you have Atom opened as the root project folder, where your stylelint configuration is, and where the file you are linting is.


@smutnyleszek @jens-t Plugins should be working now with the v4.3.0 release of linter-stlyelint. Please file a new issue if you encounter any further problems.


So, here I am.

I have version 4.3.2.

  1. Open an empty folder.
  2. Create a new .css file.
  3. Lint (start to type or save the file, depends on settings).
  4. Get the error.
> atom --version
Atom    : 1.31.2
Electron: 2.0.12
Chrome  : 61.0.3163.100
Node    : 8.9.3

> apm --version
apm  2.1.3
npm  6.4.1
node 10.12.0 x64
atom 1.31.2
python 2.7.15
git 2.19.1

The same with enabled Disable when no config is found and disabled Use standard (there is no stylelint config in the folder).