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Vector map

sebasgarcep opened this issue · comments

Right now there is an apply function for vectors which consumes it. The simplest method to simulate apply without consuming the vector I can think of is to create an iterator, map over it and collect the result. I wonder if this is performant or if it would be better to add a map method to the vector struct?

The two best options I can think of (I hope this compiles, I haven't tried):

// What you suggested
let x = vector![1, 2, 3];
let mapped_vec = x.iter().map(|&x| f(&x)).collect::<Vector<_>>();

// A simple alternative?
let mapped_vec = x.clone().apply(|x| f(&x));

I would expect the first one to be perhaps slightly faster, but only measuring will tell you the truth.

In any case, I very much doubt that this is a bottleneck of your application. Unless you have measured this to be the case, I suggest you instead pick whichever one you find the most readable and carry on working on the interesting parts of your application ;-)

Thanks for the swift response!

I'm curious, why is there no apply method which does not consume the vector?