AsteroidOS / asteroid-settings

Default settings app for AsteroidOS

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Nightstand - Silence option

Cambi0nn opened this issue · comments

I would like to request the functionality in the nightstand settings to add a silence mode to block notifications. When charging during sleep these kind of notifications are unnecessarily anyways.

By silencing, notifications can be blocked while charging which saves screens from lighting up at night (useful for people who sleep in total darkness) as well as preventing vibrations that come with notifications that could at times deconnect pogo-pins (it sucks waking up to find out your watch didn't charge as it deconnected).

I usually handle this by turning off Bluetooth before I go to sleep, but I don't always remember, and so this is a good idea. An alternative approach might be to silence notifications between certain fixed hours as is done on some phones.

The problem with fixed hours is that I don't always sleep on fixed hours, so if I make a long day I would stop receiving notifications in the evening/night. Or alternativly, when I sleep early I might still get notifications causing this issue. I never use the time-based thing on phone for the same reason. I imagine people working irregular hours due to shifts would be even worse off.

Charging however, is a pretty safe bet. It means I'm not wearing my watch, and therefore am likely not actively using it (besides maybe for some debugging, but in those cases I could turn it off as that's specific non-daily use).