AsteroidOS / asteroid-settings

Default settings app for AsteroidOS

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Change Time zone icon to something more appropriate

eLtMosen opened this issue · comments

I did not block the PR due to being unsure with what to replace the sad golf flag look alike with.
But imho the timezone app icon should represent something international.
We got some nice earth and globe icons in the ion-icon set, why not go for one of them @dodoradio @beroset ?

left is earth-outline, middle is globe-outline used for language alreday, right only because it popped up in the search for globe :P


Or maybe airplane-outline could bring the change timezone while traveling point across?

A quick internet search for "time zone icon" produces a number of variations on a globe with an analog clock face overlay. Something like this:

That might be a bit crowded at the size we display the icons.

Imo, the globe-outline is a perfect visualization of stylized zones on a globe.
The earth-outline is even a bit more appropriate for "Language" than the globe-outline we use now fot it.

Changing Language to earth-outline and using globe-outline for Time zone is my recommendation.

This is gong to get complicated... The new ios-icons completely changed style and just swapping them in results in this audacity


(there is no ios-clock-outline anmore so for Time its still the old icon)

Really need to make a new plan here how to go about with the icons from here on.