AsteroidOS / asteroid-settings

Default settings app for AsteroidOS

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After changing language to german, reboot fails

eLtMosen opened this issue · comments

Using lenok nightly build from 2017/05/18 changing language in settings to german requires to reboot.
Boot than loops in LG bootscreen.
Image was flashed to userdata via "sudo fastboot flash userdata asteroid-image-lenok.ext4"
Only way to recover is enter fastboot manually by doing 45 angle leftup ro rightdown swipe and reflash.

Hi and thanks for reporting. I suspect your userdata partition is somehow corrupted.

Just to make sure, could you try to enter bootloader mode and run on your computer:
fastboot boot zImage-dtb-lenok.fastboot -c debug-ramdisk
Then (after a few secs) use adb shell to run on the watch:
source /machine.conf
mount -t auto -o rw,noatime,nodiratime /dev/$sdcard_partition /sdcard
If you see an error such as:
mount: mounting /dev/mmcblk0p21 on /sdcard/ failed: Invalid argument
AsteroidOS/meta-asteroid@7917d6a this commit should solve your problem. Then wait for a new nightly build and close the issue if it is effectively solved.

When booted with -c debug-ramdisk, there is no /sdcard folder on my device.
I guess because i did not push to /sdcard but flash to userdata with adb?
sh-4.3# mount -t auto -o rw,noatime,nodiratime /dev/$sdcard_partition /sdcard
mount: mounting /dev/ on /sdcard failed: No such file or directory

ls of root gives:
bin etc machine.conf root tmp boot home media run usr dev init mnt sbin var distro.conf lib proc sys
But i can mount to /mnt successfully and browse sdcard_partition
sh-4.3# mount -t auto -o rw,noatime,nodiratime /dev/$sdcard_partition /mnt

Mhhh, then this is a different problem. You should try to activate systemd persistent logging by following the instructions at the bottom of this page: and send the results of chroot /rfs /bin/journalctl if possible. Thanks for helping!

Will do! Thank you for all your time.

I have systemd logging set up but can not reproduce the error anymore...
Before creating this issue i tried to change language twice and had a boot loop.
Now with logging on i changed language for the fifth time now and all where booting perfect.
Closing, i will keep it in mind an reopen if it accours again.