AshrafAbuBakr / TwitterClient

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Twitter Client Task

BY: Ashraf Hussein Mahmoud Abu Bakr
Written using Swift, Xcode 9.2

Installation and Dependencies:

- This project uses cocoapods to handle dependencies, So a "pod install" is needed before running the code.
- Pods Used: 
    - TwitterKit
    - XLPagerTabStrip
    - ObjectMapper
    - Kingfisher
    - BFKit-Swift
    - RealmSwift
    - ObjectMapper+Realm
    - ReachabilitySwift
    - NVActivityIndicatorView


- This project uses the standard gitflow.

Architecture & Design:

- The project is follows the MVP design pattern.
- Each Viewcontroller has a presenter and a service. EX: (FollowersListViewController, FollowersListPresenter, FollowersListService).
- I chose this pattern as it's more testable than MVC and in the same time it does not consume much time for development.

Local Caching:

- Local caching is done using Realm database instead of Coredata as it's a bit faster to do using Realm considering the limited time.


- Unit Testing: Unfortunately I did not have the time to do some unit testing for the project, I would like to keep working on it and send it later if possible.
- I've done some code commenting after I wrote the project, Ideally this should be done during development.
- Error Handling: Error handling needs some work to handle all the errors retreived from TwitterKit, I would like to keep working on it and send it later if possible.
- Infinite loading: Unfortunately I did not have much followers so I couldn't test the infinite loading feature,
    I preferred to remove it rather than sending a feture that has never been tested.
- Use a constants file.



Language:Swift 100.0%