AshleyYakeley / NixVirt

LibVirt domain management for Nix

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BUG: Infinit checking NixOS configuration

Svenum opened this issue · comments

If I import a domain like this definition = nixvirt.lib.domain.writeXML (import ./kvm/win10gpu.nix {inherit disk_path; inherit nvram_path; inherit pkgs;}); the config gets checked forever.

Even if I add the content form win10gpu.nix directly in config.nix its loading and loading.

{ disk_path, nvram_path, pkgs }:

  # VM Infos
  name = "Windows GPU Nix";
  uuid = "c08333dc-33f9-4117-969a-ac46e19ba81f";
  description = "A Windows VM with GPU passthrough and looking-glass";
  # CPU and RAM
  vcpu = { count = 12; placement = "static"; };
  memory = { count = 24; unit = "GiB"; };
  cpu = {
    mode = "host-passthrough";
    check = "none";
    migratable = true;
    topology = {
      sockets = 1;
      dies = 1;
      cores = 6;
      threads = 2;

  # OS
  os = {
    type = "hvm";
    arch = "x86_64";
    machine = "pc-q35-8.2";
    boot = { dev = "hd"; };
    loader = {
      readonly = true;
      type = "pflash";
      path = "${pkgs.OVMFFull.fd}/FV/";
    nvram = {
      template = "${pkgs.OVMFFull.fd}/FV/";
      path = "${nvram_path}/win10gpu.nvram";

  features = {
    acpi = {};
    apic = {};
    hyperv = {
      mode = "custom";
      relaxed = { state = true; };
      vapic = { state = true; };
      spinlocks = { state = true; retries = 8191; };
      vendor_id = { state = true; value = "1234567890ab"; };
    kvm.hidden = { state = true; };
    vmport.state = false;
  clock = {
    offset = "localtime";
    timer = [
      { name = "rtc"; tickpolicy = "catchup"; }
      { name = "pit"; tickpolicy = "delay"; }
      { name = "hpet"; present = false; }
      { name = "hypervclock"; present = true; }

  # PowerManagement

  # <on_poweroff>destroy</on_poweroff>
  # <on_reboot>restart</on_reboot>
  # <on_crash>destroy</on_crash>

  pm = {
    suspend-to-mem = { enabled = false; };
    suspend-to-disk = { enabled = false; };

  # Devices
  devices = {
    emulator = "${pkgs.qemu}/bin/qemu-system-x86_64";

    # Disks
    disk = [
        type = "file";
        device = "disk";
        driver = {
          name = "qemu";
          type = "qcow2";
          discard = "unmap";
        source.file = "${disk_path}/win10gpu.qcow2";
        target = { dev = "sda"; bus = "sata"; };

    # Network
    interface = {
      type = "network";
      mac.address = "52:54:00:04:63:98"; = "default";
      model.type = "e1000e";

    # Input
    input = [
      { type = "keyboard"; bus = "virtio"; }
      { type = "mouse"; bus = "virtio"; }

    # Video + Audio
    graphics = {
      type = "spice";
      autoport = true;
      listen = { type = "address"; };
      image = { compression = false; };

    video = {
      model = {
        type = "vga";
        vram = 65536;
        heads  = 1;
        primary = true;

    sound = { model = "ich9"; };
    audio = { id = 1; type = "spice"; };

    # Interfaces 
    controller = [
      { type = "usb"; index = 0; model = "qemu-xhci"; ports = 15; }
      { type = "pci"; index = 0; model = "pcie-root"; }
      { type = "virtio-serial"; index = 0; }

    serial = [
        type = "pty";
        target = { type = "isa-serial"; port = 0; = "isa-serial"; };

    console = [
        type = "pty";
        target = { type = "serial"; port = 0; };

    channel = [
        type = "spicevmc";
        target = { type = "virtio"; name = "com.redhat.spice.0"; };

    # Other
    watchdog = { model = "itco"; action = "reset"; };

    memballoon.model = "none";

    #shmem = [
    #  {
    #    name = "looking-glass-sven";
    #    model.type = "ivshmem-plain";
    #    size = { unit = "M"; count = 128; };
    #  }

    #hostdev = [
    #  {
    #    mode = "subsystem";
    #    type = "pci";
    #    managed = true;
    #    source.address = {
    #      domain = "0x0000";
    #      bus = "0x03";
    #      slot = "0x00";
    #      function = "0x0";
    #    };
    #  }
    #  {
    #    mode = "subsystem";
    #    type = "pci";
    #    managed = true;
    #    source.address = {
    #      domain = "0x0000";
    #      bus = "0x03";
    #      slot = "0x00";
    #      function = "0x1";
    #    };
    #  }

    # <shmem name="looking-glass-sven">
    #   <model type="ivshmem-plain"/>
    #   <size unit="M">128</size>
    # </shmem>
    # <hostdev mode="subsystem" type="pci" managed="yes">
    #   <source>
    #     <address domain="0x0000" bus="0x03" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
    #   </source>
    #   <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x05" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
    # </hostdev>
    # <hostdev mode="subsystem" type="pci" managed="yes">
    #   <source>
    #     <address domain="0x0000" bus="0x03" slot="0x00" function="0x1"/>
    #   </source>
    #   <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x06" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
    # </hostdev>

  qemu-commandline = {
    arg = [
      { value = "-cpu"; }
      { value = "host,kvm=off,hv_vendor_id=null"; }
      { value = "-machine"; }
      { value = "q35"; }
{ lib, systemConfig, nixvirt, pkgs, ... }:

  nvram_path = /home/sven/.local/share/libvirt/qemu;
  disk_path = /home/sven/.local/share/libvirt/images;
  win10gpu_config = import ./kvm/win10gpu.nix {inherit disk_path; inherit nvram_path; inherit pkgs;};
  # Enable virtualisation
  virtualisation.libvirt.swtpm.enable = true;
  virtualisation.libvirt.enable = true;
  virtualisation.libvirt.connections."qemu:///system" = {
    # Add pools
    pools = [
        definition = nixvirt.lib.pool.writeXML {
          name = "default";
          uuid = "689ba4f2-da57-43e4-9723-a0551e871c8a";
          type = "dir";
          target = {
            path = "/var/lib/libvirt/images";
            path = "/var/lib/libvirt/images";
        definition = nixvirt.lib.pool.writeXML {
          name = "images";
          uuid = "464a4f52-bbf4-479e-9b2b-ed27116aab7b";
          type = "dir";
          target = {
            path = "${disk_path}";
        volumes = [
            definition = nixvirt.lib.volume.writeXML {
              name = "win10gpu.qcow2";
              capacity = { count = 250; unit = "GiB"; };
              target = {
                format = { type = "qcow2"; };
        active = true;
        definition = nixvirt.lib.pool.writeXML {
          name = "isos";
          uuid = "5217ddb8-29c2-4a4d-b976-73b9dde59e43";
          type = "dir";
          target = {
            path = "/home/sven/.local/share/libvirt/isos";
        active = true;

    # Add windows Domain
    domains = lib.mkIf (systemConfig.networking.hostName == "Shi") [
      { definition = nixvirt.lib.domain.writeXML win10gpu_config; }
      { definition = ./kvm/win10gpu.xml; }
      { definition = ./kvm/win10.xml; }

Found the issue. It was the import on the large qcow2 file.