Ash258 / Scoop-Core

Shovel. Alternative, more advanced, and user-friendly implementation of windows command-line installer scoop.

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Microsoft Defender detects `VirTool:PowerShell/PoshC2.gen!E`- in lib/core.ps1

42wim opened this issue · comments

  • Branch: main
  • Powershell Version: 5.1.19041.1237

Scoop/shovel stops working: This script contains malicious content and has been blocked by your antivirus software.


I've pinpointed it to the Optimize-SecurityProtocol function, when I remove it from the code it works again.

Related ScoopInstaller#4097

Irrelevant. Scoop should be added as exclusion.

1. `scoop checkup`

function Test-DiagWindowsDefender {
Test windows defender exclusions.
param([Switch] $Global)
if (Test-IsUnix) { return $true }
$defender = Get-Service -Name 'WinDefend' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
if ((is_admin) -and ($defender -and $defender.Status) -and ($defender.Status -eq [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Running)) {
if (Test-CommandAvailable -Command 'Get-MpPreference') {
$installPath = if ($Global) { $SCOOP_GLOBAL_ROOT_DIRECTORY } else { $SCOOP_ROOT_DIRECTORY }
$exclusionPath = (Get-MpPreference).ExclusionPath
if ($exclusionPath -notcontains $installPath) {
Write-UserMessage -Message 'Windows Defender may slow down or disrupt installs with realtime scanning.' -Warning
Write-UserMessage -Message @(
' Fixable with running following command in elevated prompt:'
" Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath '$installPath'"
return $false
return $true