ArtsyMacaw / wlogout

A wayland based logout menu

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Void Linux support

Sbatushe opened this issue · comments

To add support for Void Linux the program should use void-way to do things, because systemctl is not available due to runit instead of systemd.

Elogind my brother.

For example, replace any systemctl command with (for example) loginctl reboot


I know this is pretty late to the game. I'm adding this mainly for anyone who's looking for guidance

Personally, I hate to use Elogind just for something like this.
Another option is doas (sudo might have something similar). With doas on your system you can add something to the doas.conf like:
permit nopass :wheel cmd reboot

Then switch to this in the wlogout layout file:
"action" : "doas reboot",

Then it'll reboot without prompting for the password