ArclightPowered / lightfall

A fork of Waterfall with modern forge support

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Payload may not be larger than 1048576 bytes

TrickShotMLG02 opened this issue · comments


I have installed the latest version of LightFall and everything is working fine except when connecting to a modded server. I have created an ATM6 Server and as soon as I try to join I get this error message

Proxy Log:

[14:54:30 INFO]: [TrickShotMLG|/**.***.***.**:63894] <-> ServerConnector [ATM6] has connected
[14:54:31 WARN]: [TrickShotMLG|/**.***.***.**:63894] <-> Modern FML PENDING [ATM6] - overflow in packet detected! Payload may not be larger than 1048576 bytes
[14:54:31 INFO]: [TrickShotMLG] disconnected with: Exception Connecting:DecoderException : net.md_5.bungee.protocol.OverflowPacketException: Payload may not be larger than 1048576 bytes @ io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageDecoder:98
[14:54:31 INFO]: [/**.***.***.**:63894|TrickShotMLG] -> HS Upstream has disconnected
[14:54:31 INFO]: [TrickShotMLG|/**.***.***.**:63894] <-> Modern FML PENDING [ATM6] has disconnected

Server Log:

[14:54:30 INFO]: Skipping config sync, No mods have registered a syncable config.
[14:54:30 WARN]: Login payload for Registry minecraft:item is using 104.859% of max allowed vanilla size and will cause errors during login if connectivity is not present on client side.
[14:54:30 WARN]: Login payload for Registry minecraft:block is using 77.2644% of max allowed vanilla size
[14:54:30 INFO]: UUID of player TrickShotMLG is 74d5ae9c-a6ae-40ac-ad3d-f95edcec1783
[14:54:31 INFO]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@2bfbbb59[id=74d5ae9c-a6ae-40ac-ad3d-f95edcec1783,name=TrickShotMLG,properties={textures=[], forgeClient=[], extraData=[]},legacy=false] (/**.***.***.**:34725) lost connection: Disconnected

Client has latest LightFall-Client mod installed.

If i disable bungeecord for the server and join directly everything works, but as soon as i try to join over bungeecord (lightfall) nothing works anymore.

Any ideas on how to fix that problem?

I have installed the latest version of LightFall and everything is working fine except when connecting to a modded server. I have created an ATM6 Server and as soon as I try to join I get this error message image

Proxy Log:

[14:54:30 INFO]: [TrickShotMLG|/**.***.***.**:63894] <-> ServerConnector [ATM6] has connected
[14:54:31 WARN]: [TrickShotMLG|/**.***.***.**:63894] <-> Modern FML PENDING [ATM6] - overflow in packet detected! Payload may not be larger than 1048576 bytes
[14:54:31 INFO]: [TrickShotMLG] disconnected with: Exception Connecting:DecoderException : net.md_5.bungee.protocol.OverflowPacketException: Payload may not be larger than 1048576 bytes @ io.netty.handler.codec.MessageToMessageDecoder:98
[14:54:31 INFO]: [/**.***.***.**:63894|TrickShotMLG] -> HS Upstream has disconnected
[14:54:31 INFO]: [TrickShotMLG|/**.***.***.**:63894] <-> Modern FML PENDING [ATM6] has disconnected

Server Log:

[14:54:30 INFO]: Skipping config sync, No mods have registered a syncable config.
[14:54:30 WARN]: Login payload for Registry minecraft:item is using 104.859% of max allowed vanilla size and will cause errors during login if connectivity is not present on client side.
[14:54:30 WARN]: Login payload for Registry minecraft:block is using 77.2644% of max allowed vanilla size
[14:54:30 INFO]: UUID of player TrickShotMLG is 74d5ae9c-a6ae-40ac-ad3d-f95edcec1783
[14:54:31 INFO]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@2bfbbb59[id=74d5ae9c-a6ae-40ac-ad3d-f95edcec1783,name=TrickShotMLG,properties={textures=[], forgeClient=[], extraData=[]},legacy=false] (/**.***.***.**:34725) lost connection: Disconnected

Client has latest LightFall-Client mod installed.

If i disable bungeecord for the server and join directly everything works, but as soon as i try to join over bungeecord (lightfall) nothing works anymore.

Any ideas on how to fix that problem?

Has any solution been found for this problem?