Arachnid / bulkupdate

App Engine bulk updater library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Jobs don't run on localhost

dpaola2 opened this issue · comments

For some reason, jobs created on localhost using Google's AppEngine Launcher app don't get run. When jobs are cancelled and then deleted, the corresponding task shows up in the task queue. Weird.

Task Queue jobs don't auto-run on the dev_appserver. You need to go into the local admin console and run them manually.

Thanks for your response. Let me clarify a bit:

  1. Run job manually using a URL
  2. In BulkUpdate admin, job appears as "running"
  3. Task queue is empty. No tasks ever show up.
  4. In BulkUpdate admin, I cancel job.
  5. In BulkUpdate admin, I delete cancelled job.
  6. THEN task shows up in Task Queue.

The problem isn't that I forgot to run the task, the problem is no task ever shows up as runnable.

for me the tasks show up as soon as I run the job (or, that is, a single task shows up). I then click through and run the tasks until there are no more. At that point, the job is complete.