Apollon77 / ioBroker.homekit-controller

Pair and control HomeKit devices directly

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Connection to Homekit Hub is unstable, if polling interval is set to low device gets timeout and cannot reconnect

DutchmanNL opened this issue · comments

When using a Homekit like bridge, like 1-Home or other integrations handling multiple devices, the connection is dropped frequently depending on setting of the polling interval.


Polling every 30 second, stability for 30 minutes than we get a timeout
Polling every 120 second, stability for 1 hour than we get a time out
Polling every 180 seconds, adapter is stable for several hours but at a certain moment also gets a connection time out.

In most cases the connection is picked up again automatically, but after a while (like 10 automated reconnects, it's keeps failing by timeout with error message:

Device  xxxx data polling failed (48): Timeout
Device  xxxx had too many errors, reinitialize connection
xxxx Device initialization already in progress ... ignore call

21:15:50 : adapter got disconnected
22:40:30 : Reboot of adapter did restore the connection as it did not recover by itself

debug log of 5 minutes before up to 5 minutes after send to developer in private message du to content of information

I send 2 debug logs today, the behavior above is that last log and below the step I did for the first one :

12.17 = adapter start
12.18 = set value to all lights (53) with delay of 100ms between each call
awaiting polling of 180sec

12.22 = Values of lights are correct after polling (were incorrect before but ack true)
12.28 = adapter reboo
12.29 = set value to all lights (53) with delay of 100ms between each call lights did not respond
12.31 = polling, values are incorrect
12.31 = set value on a shutter, execution successfully
12.32 = set value on a shutter, execution successfully
12.33 = set value on 1 light, execution successfully
12.34.07 = Polling, values incorrect (not reflecting reality
Adapter reboot, afteer reboot values ar incorrect (see relation to issue #182
12.40 = set value to all lights (53) with delay of 100ms between each call lights did not respond

Please not, al actions are executed with setting usePersistentCOnnections = false
When I set the option to true and set all 50 lights in one go.... nothing gets executed and the connected bridge even looks o hangup (needed reboot of the device to get proper behavior again)


This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within the next 7 days. Please check if the issue is still relevant in the most current version of the adapter and tell us. Also check that all relevant details, logs and reproduction steps are included and update them if needed. Thank you for your contributions.
Dieses Problem wurde automatisch als veraltet markiert, da es in letzter Zeit keine Aktivitäten gab. Es wird geschlossen, wenn nicht innerhalb der nächsten 7 Tage weitere Aktivitäten stattfinden. Bitte überprüft, ob das Problem auch in der aktuellsten Version des Adapters noch relevant ist, und teilt uns dies mit. Überprüft auch, ob alle relevanten Details, Logs und Reproduktionsschritte enthalten sind bzw. aktualisiert diese. Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung.


This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within the next 7 days. Please check if the issue is still relevant in the most current version of the adapter and tell us. Also check that all relevant details, logs and reproduction steps are included and update them if needed. Thank you for your contributions.
Dieses Problem wurde automatisch als veraltet markiert, da es in letzter Zeit keine Aktivitäten gab. Es wird geschlossen, wenn nicht innerhalb der nächsten 7 Tage weitere Aktivitäten stattfinden. Bitte überprüft, ob das Problem auch in der aktuellsten Version des Adapters noch relevant ist, und teilt uns dies mit. Überprüft auch, ob alle relevanten Details, Logs und Reproduktionsschritte enthalten sind bzw. aktualisiert diese. Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung.

Is the topic still relevant?

Is the topic still relevant?

Not for me and looks like I was the only one having this issue 🤭