ApolloZhu / Dynamic-Dark-Mode

The smart, automatic Dark Mode toggle for macOS Mojave+

Home Page:https://apollozhu.github.io/Dynamic-Dark-Mode/

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Failed to toggle dark mode NSAppleScriptErrorNumber 43

etrahretep opened this issue · comments

Failed to toggle dark mode
NSAppleScriptErrorNumber 43
Version 1.3
Running macOS 10.14.6 bèta (18G29g)

Version 1.3.0 works fine on macOS 10.14.4. I'll get back to you as soon as I update to beta os and test the app on it.

Since error 43 usually means "file not found", my hypothesis is that AppleScript couldn't find the frontmost, focused application. If you don't mind to share, what app were you using when dark mode toggle is triggered?

Downloaded the zip instead of pkg. Working now!
No idea what caused it. Only finder was open when toggling.

Interestingly, both zip and pkg works for me on macOS 10.14.6 beta. Not sure what happened but I'm glad it worked out in the end ;)

@Vince14Genius you mentioned -43 in #22, are you also experiencing this issue these days with 1.3.0?