AnthonyMDev / CrashlyticsRecorder

A wrapper for the Crashlytics framework allowing it to be used as a transitive dependency via dependency injection.

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Does not conform to Protocol in Swift 3

gokeji opened this issue · comments

My team has transitioned to Swift 3, using XCode 8 Beta 4.

Due to the naming convention changes in Swift 3, the obj-C classes are bridged over to Swift with a slightly different signature now. I'm seeing protocol conformation issues that look like this.
screen shot 2016-08-04 at 12 58 15 pm

I couldn't quite figure out what the correct protocol should look like in Swift 3 now. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Actually, I figured it out. I needed to add a _ in front of the arguments of each protocol func definition. E.g.:
func setUserIdentifier(_ identifier: String?)

And then it works like a charm again :)

@gokeji Thanks. Would you be willing to make a PR with the changes you've made?