AnthonyMDev / AmazonS3RequestManager

A request manager that uses Alamofire to serialize requests to the AWS S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Solution). Based on AFAmazonS3Manager

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Build error in latest version

Vortec4800 opened this issue · comments

I'm getting this build error:

AmazonS3RequestManager/AmazonS3RequestManager.h:29:9: Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'AmazonS3RequestManager.AmazonS3RequestManager'

when compiling the latest version installed using Cocoapods. This is using Xcode 7.1 beta 3 targeting iOS 9.1, in case it's an Xcode change.

It seems to not like the

import <AmazonS3RequestManager/AmazonS3SignatureHelpers.h>

line in the umbrella header file. Perhaps the Obj-C files aren't being added to the module map or something?

May be a bit annoying, but converting this file to Swift might be a solution.

So quick update, I changed the line in the AmazonS3RequestManager.h file from

#import <AmazonS3RequestManager/AmazonS3SignatureHelpers.h>


#import "AmazonS3SignatureHelpers.h"

which fixed the problem and everything built successfully. I'm unsure if this is a "real" fix or if this is just getting everything to work, but not the root cause. Either way it's a fix for the time being.

@Vortec4800 Thank you for bringing this to my attention, and for the possible solution. I will look into this today and see if I can re-create. I haven't experienced this problem myself yet.

AmazonS3SignatureHelpers can't really be converted to swift easily, since it uses some C libraries that could not be bridged into the swift runtime.

@Vortec4800 This has been fixed using your provided solution in version 0.9.0. Thank you!

Please let me know if this issue still exists for you in 0.9.0.