Anonoei / klipper_auto_tap

Automatically find Voron TAP's probe offset

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Viltali's CNC Tap Result Validation

phazil opened this issue · comments

350mm Trident
Vitali's CNC Tap
Revo Nozzles


I've defined tap_version with RC8 which based off of the other issue page should work. Currently using a hand measured probe offset of -0.630 on my older PEI sheet. When running first AUTO_TAP it's giving a value of 1.250
And when validated when going to G0 Z0.25 the nozzle is definitely higher.


When running Force=1 I end up with the same result

@phazil Hmmmm. I'm not sure of the differences between R8 and Viltali's
Doing the rough math that seems like
Viltali = travel mean * 25 = 0.625...
Current math for R8 is (travel mean * 10) + 1

@phazil newest version has new math for Vitalii, it should work better for you now. Let me know if it's still off. Thanks for helping with this and staying active!

Here's new results with the new method(s?). Probe offset calibrated to around -0.680 on this textured sheet. Got a value of 1.067.


Multiple of 21.5 was validated by:

  • eightfinger
  • CWeed14
  • Mezabaru

See eightfinger's initial message about it here