Anish-Agnihotri / MultiRaffle

NFT distribution with (1) randomized, multi-winner raffles and (2) bulk on-chain metadata generation.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can claim Raffle be exploited?

sssubik opened this issue · comments

Hey nice stuff!

uint256 winningTickets = nftCount - tmpCount;

 if (winningTickets != tickets.length) {
            // Payout value equal to number of bought tickets - paid for winning tickets
            (bool sent, ) = payable(msg.sender).call{
                value: (tickets.length - winningTickets) * MINT_COST
            require(sent, "Unsuccessful in refund");

here there is cpmparison of winning ticket != tickets.length.

What if number of tickets is 100 and nobody is a winner. since there is no winner winningTickets is 0. And the function will transfer the money as refund?

Am I missing something?