AngeloDotNet / Blazor.FacileBudget

Second version of the application designed for family budget management, developed with .NET 6 technology, Blazor WebAssembly, Entity Framework Core, SQLite database and distributable via docker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Blazor Facile Budget

Second version of the application designed for family budget management, developed with .NET 6 technology and distributable via docker.


  • No server required
  • Portable program
  • Cross platform

Tech Stack

Client: Blazor, Bootstrap 4.3

Server: Blazor, .NET 6

Database: SQLite


To perform the scaffolding it is necessary to open the package management console and use the command: Add-Migration Initial-Migration

Subsequently, to apply the newly created migration to the database it is necessary to use the command: Update-Database

The scaffolding of the database must be performed from the Package Management Console, making sure that the default project (drop-down menu) is Blazor.FacileBudget.DataAccess


After launching the publish command

  dotnet publish -c Release

but before publishing via docker, it is necessary to check the presence of the _framework folder and the javascript files service-worker.js and service-worker-assets.js in the wwwroot folder.

If these are not present, it is possible to integrate them with a simple copy and paste from the Blazor project directory Blazor.FacileBudget\Client\bin\Release\net6.0\wwwroot

If these files are omitted for some reason, the application will not be visible / available while browsing from the browser and the fixed message loading... will remain.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd src

Build the project

  dotnet build

Start the server

  dotnet run


Contributions are always welcome!


GitHub build and test



MIT License




Second version of the application designed for family budget management, developed with .NET 6 technology, Blazor WebAssembly, Entity Framework Core, SQLite database and distributable via docker

License:MIT License


Language:C# 65.8%Language:HTML 20.8%Language:CSS 6.6%Language:JavaScript 4.8%Language:Dockerfile 2.0%