Andromeda-SRT / CSharpWebApp_BotService

🤖✉This application realize webServices architecture, for working with any bots if u hooked up and setting it. This Application can send response echo or script result for message sender. Application have a common database that stores the values of response to echo responses and scripts. Scripts execut with lua. [AdminUI] this App for Testing. [CommandAdminUI] this App for create/update/delete commands. [WebApplication1] this is a .NetCore Server with Servise for processing messages from the Telegram app.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This application realize webServices architecture, for working with any bots if u hooked up and setting it. This Application can send response echo or script result for message sender. Application have a common database that stores the values of response to echo responses and scripts. Scripts execut with lua. [AdminUI] this App for Testing. [CommandAdminUI] this App for create/update/delete commands. [WebApplication1] this is a .NetCore Server with Servise for processing messages from the Telegram app.


🤖✉This application realize webServices architecture, for working with any bots if u hooked up and setting it. This Application can send response echo or script result for message sender. Application have a common database that stores the values of response to echo responses and scripts. Scripts execut with lua. [AdminUI] this App for Testing. [CommandAdminUI] this App for create/update/delete commands. [WebApplication1] this is a .NetCore Server with Servise for processing messages from the Telegram app.


Language:C# 97.4%Language:Lua 2.6%