AndroidKnife / RxBus

Event Bus By RxJava.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

compile 'com.hwangjr.rxbus:rxbus:1.0.6' can not work

wwj-go opened this issue · comments


Error:Failed to resolve: annotationProcessor
Open File

Error:Failed to resolve:
Install Repository and sync project
Open File
Show in Project Structure dialog


you should update your annotations version


How can i solve this problem? I have google it but can not find a proper solution.

you can click : Install Repository and sync project, have a try.


I did so many times, but my android studio did not have any reaction,,is it meet some problem?
My android studio version is 2.3.3

you can checkout the setting in Android Studio -> Preference -> Android SDK, and choose SDK Tools tab, then update your dependencies like Android Support Repository etc...


I have do this ,but it still can not work

Still can't work?


Well, I do not know what to do, so I can only give up using this library,,


ok,this is because that it depends on android annotation 25.4.0,while you have no it locally(search Library/Android/sdk/extras/android/m2repository/) and in remote repository configured in top build.gradle.Maybe this link is you dish: