AndroidDev-social / DodoForMastodon

🐘 Mastodon client for Android, iOS and Desktop (JVM)

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Use objects for namespaces

hrules6872 opened this issue · comments

This took me more than a while to reconcile with myself on, because when I see a bunch of top-level functions like this the first thing I think is that we're going to end up polluting our class-space very quickly.

Are there opinions on utilizing some kind of namespacing here?

object Spacers {
  fun XLarge(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {} // ...

// Usage

This has the upside of making it easier to find things. If I want a specific spacer I can do Spacers. and get a nice list.

I can be convinced either way, just a random musing.

Originally posted by @exallium in #66 (comment)