AndroidDev-social / DodoForMastodon

🐘 Mastodon client for Android, iOS and Desktop (JVM)

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[FEAT]: swipe navigation/controls

digitalbuddha opened this issue · comments


I'd love for us to think about swipe/multi-touch controls rather than lots of buttons. For example things like swipe left to boost or right to reply to a post. Ideally I can keep my thumb in middle of the screen and still perform most basic functions.

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This was a great shout out. The noisy buttons/ctas on other clients and Twitter always get me..

We could do a cool in-app setting to let the user customize their experience (swipe and gestures versus buttons), or make that decision out right and go with less buttons.

Yeah agreed it can be additive/super user. Similar can go as far as shake/flip/gyroscope based controls :-D

Just make sure it's accessible! Especially when choosing defaults here.


For sure. I'll create some other milestone/labels and update this one as a V2 (not in MVP)

I think it's a great idea to give the user the ability to customize this type of stuff but make sure all options are accessible.