AndresTraks / BulletSharpPInvoke

.NET wrapper for the Bullet physics library using Platform Invoke

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Integration with Unity - static vs instance callbacks

VISTALL opened this issue · comments

Hello. As i said in (#73) i am working on integration BulletSharpPInvoke in Unity.

I'm already fixed all problems, and most of them - i wrote in prev issue.

And now - library works as is in Unity(desktop, mac). But for mobile platforms Unity use IL2CPP ( and library not work (at android for example)

There a simple problem - Unity can't convert code with instance callbacks. @Phong13 already fix that problem here and here

Here example

		void GetWorldTransformUnmanaged(out Matrix worldTrans)

this method must be static and it provide problem about accessing to this. Now need receive it from wrapper (need new field in C++ wrapper code). And do those changes to all callbacks

(AOT attribute required by IL2CPP)

		static void GetWorldTransformUnmanaged(IntPtr thisPtr, out Matrix worldTrans)

(also those change

Without those changes, it can not be integrated into Unity as is. It's a small changes, almost without any overhead.

What do you think ?

Yes, that looks fine to me.
Not sure when I'll get to this, but I accept pull requests :)