AndresTraks / BulletSharpPInvoke

.NET wrapper for the Bullet physics library using Platform Invoke

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Missed/obsolete native references

VISTALL opened this issue · comments

Hello. I am Unity developer, and use your wrapper for several platforms.

At iOS Unity use static linker, and it's work in strict mode (if C# method not found in native library - it will throw error)

Here a list of problems:

Some of them - it's removed from C/C++ code, but not removed from C#.

Some - not declared in extern "C" (like RContact_get).

And there missed part is not pushed wrappers around btPoolAllocator

: "_btTypedConstraint_btConstraintInfo2_setFindex", referenced from:
: "_btSoftBody_RContact_setT1", referenced from:
: "_btSoftBody_RContact_getT2", referenced from:
: "_btSoftBody_RContact_getT1", referenced from:
: "_btPoolAllocator_getUsedCount", referenced from:
: "_btSoftBodySolver_optimize", referenced from:
: "_btPoolAllocator_getFreeCount", referenced from:
: "_btSoftBody_TetraScratch_setF", referenced from:
: "_btPoolAllocator_getElementSize", referenced from:
: "_btMultiBody_updateCollisionObjectWorldTransforms2", referenced from:
: "_btMultibodyLink_setCachedRotParentToThisInterpolate", referenced from:
: "_btPoolAllocator_allocate", referenced from:
: "_btTypedConstraint_btConstraintInfo2_getFindex", referenced from:
: "_btPoolAllocator_new", referenced from:
: "_btSoftBody_RContact_setT2", referenced from:
: "_btPoolAllocator_getPoolAddress", referenced from:
: "_btMultibodyLink_setCachedRVectorInterpolate", referenced from:
: "_btConvexHullShape_getPoints", referenced from:
: "_btSoftBody_getDampingCoefficient", referenced from:
: "_btCollisionConfiguration_getClosestPointsAlgorithmCreateFunc", referenced from:
: "_btSoftBody_setDampingCoefficient", referenced from:
: "_btSoftBody_TetraScratch_getF", referenced from:
: "_btAlignedObjectArray_btSoftBody_TetraScratch_push_back", referenced from:
: "_btPoolAllocator_getMaxCount", referenced from:
: "_btPoolAllocator_freeMemory", referenced from:
: "_btAlignedObjectArray_btSoftBody_Note_push_back", referenced from:
: "_btPoolAllocator_validPtr", referenced from:
: "_btAlignedObjectArray_btSoftBody_Note_index_of", referenced from:
: "_btAlignedObjectArray_btSoftBody_Note_resizeNoInitialize", referenced from:
: "_btPoolAllocator_delete", referenced from:



Should be fixed, try it now.
