AndresTraks / BulletSharpPInvoke

.NET wrapper for the Bullet physics library using Platform Invoke

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libbulletc compile error

CornLizard opened this issue · comments

Hello, I tried to compile libbulletc and I get the following error. I'm unsure of how to continue. Any help would be highly appreciated.

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Suppression State
Error C2039 'setCachedSeperatingAxis': is not a member of 'btGjkPairDetector' libbulletc E:\Github\BulletSharpPInvoke\libbulletc\src\btGjkPairDetector_wrap.cpp 67

Also, there is a linker error.

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Suppression State
Error LNK1104 cannot open file '..\lib\Debug\libbulletc_Debug.lib' bulletctest E:\Github\BulletSharpPInvoke\libbulletc\test\LINK 1

The typo was fixed in bullet: bulletphysics/bullet3@133fd3a
I'll update libbulletc probably today.

You can change "setCachedSeperatingAxis" -> "setCachedSeparatingAxis" in btGjkPairDetector_wrap.cpp /btGjkPairDetector_wrap.h and it should work.

Thank you very much :) It now compiles no problem!